
52 posts

Zwrot prezentu

Return of a gift

Return of a gift After Christmas Eve, one of the most frequently asked questions is whether a misplaced Christmas gift can be returned. The answer depends on where the gift was bought. Gift purchased from an online shop A gift purchased online can be returned without stating a reason for […]

Gwarancja przy sprzedaży

Warranty on sale

Warranty on sale What is the guarantee? Warranty protection is independent of the warranty on sale. The warranty serves to provide the buyer with additional protection in addition to the warranty liability and the liability for damages for non-performance or undue performance of an obligation. The exercise of warranty rights […]

Rękojmia przy sprzedaży

Warranty on sale

Warranty on sale The legislator has introduced a special statutory regime of liability for improper performance of the seller’s obligation to deliver a contractually compliant item to the buyer. The seller’s liability under warranty has been tightened in comparison with the rules of contractual liability (i.e. for non-performance or improper […]

Wady rzeczy sprzedanej

Defects in the goods sold

Defects in the goods sold The regulation of a defect in an item is found in the section of the Code dealing with warranty for defects in a sold item. A material defect is a case of improper performance of an obligation. Definition of defect The legislator makes a distinction […]

Prawne pułapki Black Friday i Cyber Monday

Legal pitfalls of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Prawne pułapki Black Friday i Cyber Monday During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, businesses outdo each other with promotions on services and products. However, not every offer is as favourable as it seems at first glance. What should you look for when browsing the offers? Lowest price for a product […]

Odstąpienie od umowy sprzedaży zawartej na odległość

Withdrawal from a distance sales contract

Withdrawal from a distance sales contract When regulating distance or off-premises sales, the Consumer Rights Act of 30.05.2014 provides for an additional consumer right of withdrawal. This right is available to a consumer who has concluded a contract at a distance or off-premises, and its exercise is not conditional on […]

Sprzedaż na odległość lub poza lokalem przedsiębiorstwa

Distance or off-premises sales

Distance or off-premises sales The regulation of distance or off-premises sales can be found in the Consumer Rights Act of 30.05.2014. These regulations apply in particular to online shops. The law only applies to contracts concluded with consumers. When is it a distance or off-premises sale? The legislator has provided […]

Zadatek a zaliczka

Deposit versus advance payment

Deposit versus advance payment The deposit and advance payment are so-called additional contractual reservations. The parties may, but are not required to, include provisions in the contract to regulate the rules and time limits for the payment of the price of an item prior to its delivery or the value […]

Ustawowe ograniczenia w zbywaniu nieruchomości

Statutory restrictions on the disposal of real estate

Statutory restrictions on the disposal of real estate In Polish law there are restrictions on the disposal (acquisition) of real estate in certain cases, among others, this applies to real estate: excluded from marketing, which include: – land under public flowing inland waters (Article 211(4) of the Water Act of […]